Saturday, August 29, 2009

Why I am not like others?

Why I am not like others this is the question I always ask myself.Why just I cant be like anu other normal guy who lives cool and chill life with nthing to worry bout the world or any future.I am alwys running for my futures perfection but never wins infact gets a hell lot of pitholes.I am really upset being what I am.
Moreover everyone expec so much from me and I cant deliver them to the full which I could but the situation adn luck tosses my destiny.
I just wanna change myself.Just like others guys who habg out from home for late or those dont have to be bound for permissions for everything nor they have to think of the so called marwari family values .

1 comment:

  1. You like sun not to shine, water not to delete thirst, and you want to be a normal guy!
    what is the meaning of being normal and why the hell you want to be?
    I just can't understand what you see in others and how you see. I simple concept of 'looking the world through kaledeoscope' gonna bring wonders to your vision. So give everything around you a new angle, thats were your spirit invokes.
    Then You wont be any normal and world would always be sparkling, just like you dreamt/
