Saturday, May 16, 2009

Holi-a festival of colours

hello friends here in india we have a festival naed holi (this year it was on 12th of march)where we play with colours ,throw water baloons on each other and even with flowers to mark the setting of summer and speaking ethically the end of evil and this time I enjoyed it a lot.
It was around 6`o clock i woke up went to temple and after offring prapyer i played there the went to my cousions and then with them came back home to play again you can say for straight 8 hours i was brushed with around 400 ltrs of water.To join us there were some P.G`s living next to my home who also joined us and we threw coloured wter on each other with a feeling of joy,Indeed a joyous,exciteent and love.

1 comment:

  1. hehe...jus look at you
    pretty in pink ;)
